Library Info

Welcome to Our Library!

Hello everyone and welcome to our Dallas County Library webpage! We offer a wide variety of books, DVDs and audio books for all ages. Throughout the year we host fun reading challenges that can win you a prize. Our biggest event is the Summer Reading Program. It is for all pre-K through 5th graders, and all you have to do is sign them up and get prizes for reading books! For more information on the events that are going on just take a look at our calendar. For more information, call us at 417-345-2647, have a great day!

Our Mission Statement

The Dallas County Library District seeks to serve people of all ages, by providing diverse, balanced collections to meet the educational, informational, intellectual and recreational needs of our community. Our staff provides services in a warm and friendly environment while developing customer self-sufficiency in using the library and its resources. We place special emphasis on independent learning. We offer popular interest materials and strive to foster enthusiasm for reading and learning in all customers.